Francis Blanchet

He is not ready to give up his guns, his fishing rod, or his pruning shears. Hale and hearty, a hunter, fisherman and winemaker, he is out among his vines, goes drift boating on the Loire where he fishes for catfish, and walks the forests. Strength and conviviality mark this defender of nature. The Pouilly gusts catch his Confrérie(The Confrérie des Baillis de Pouilly-sur-Loire is the Brotherhood of Bailiffs of Pouilly-sur-Loire. This organization brings together devotees and producers of Pouilly-Fumé and Pouilly-sur-Loire wines.) banner which calls in the troops as it flaps in the wind. With fireworks!

In the Blanchet family, they ask for the son. Son of Francis, grandson of Bernard, this tall young man with a winning smile is both at once. He loves language as much as his wines. He announces the soil from which they come using a single French word: Silice, Calcite! (Flinty clay, Kimmeridgian marls or limestone/chalk, respectively.) With dry wit and concision, he gave his wines the names of their soils – it all fits and reads like a geologist’s prescription! 

33/35, rue Louis Joseph Gousse
58150 Pouilly sur Loire

tel. +33 (0)3 86 39 05 90

Wines — Pouilly Fumé

Visitor reception

Dégustation, vente, accueil de groupe

Spoken languages: Anglais